
Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips has been preaching since he was twenty and has been in pastoral ministry since 1996. He pastored in Hazlehurst for six years and moved to Clinton to plant NewBirth church in 2004.
In 2015, NewBirth merged with Abundant life and became Springridge Pentecostal Church.

He is a prolific writer and loves to study and discuss with others the work of God and the truth of God’s word. 

Below are the latest articles from his blog that he started in 2006. He and his wife Becky have been married since 1992 and have three exceptional sons.

May 29, 2024

The Kings Mule

5/29/2024  My wife, Becky, often reads her Bible in the mornings while she drinks her coffee. She will sometimes mention something she is reading to me. We have recliners that position us to see one another. A few days ago, she looked...

April 21, 2024

You Can’t Tell Me That’s Not God

 “You Can’t Tell Me That’s Not God!” Prayer is an invitation to God’s possibilities. God, in His infinite wisdom, may choose to answer in ways we don’t expect or we would not choose; however, He does...

February 25, 2024

The Pit

Bitter circumstances do not determine the outcome. Our response, by the grace of God can produce the best results. In scripture, David was of little value or consideration to his father compared to his brothers. He was ridiculed,...

February 16, 2024

The God of Everything!

What was the source of conflict among the religious leaders of the Jews that motivated them to reject, conspire, and collude to crucify Jesus? The Deity of Jesus. When Jesus declared and was declared to be the son of God. When Jesus...

February 16, 2024

Faith lives here!

 Faith. A gift God has given you. It’s essential that you pick it up and wear it like a watch or a pen or a hat or a shield. We have all left our cellphone somewhere and felt disconnected. I suggest leaving your faith is the cause of...

January 29, 2024

A Tophet?

Originally written, Sep 2 2004 12:22AM (Twenty years later, the observations are even more poignant.) A Tophet? I attended an engaging seminar the other day on “The Archeology of the Bible.” It was a 14-week class. Below is...

January 27, 2024

A Revelation of Heaven

  “And David danced before the Lord with all his might;” 2 Samuel 6:14 The Lord said of David, he was a “man after my own heart.” Does this mean that David was like God? No, it means he was a man pursuing, knowing, and...

January 27, 2024

Why are some things not sin any more? ((I recognize the graphic is provocative. However, it illustrates just how perverse the modern morality of so many in Christianity today.)) “Woe unto them that...

January 7, 2024

Lift up your eyes

 As a leader, Jesus was unorthodox. He constantly challenges norms, traditions, and the established order and hierarchy. That is why the leadership of the Jews hated him. When they questioned and criticized him, he always gave answers...

January 7, 2024

The Gift of No

No. Thou Shall Not. This principle was instituted in creation. In his imminent wisdom, God understood the value of establishing the No/Thou shall not in a perfect world yet undefiled by sin. ”And the Lord God planted a garden eastward...

January 7, 2024

Planning for a Surprise

  The unexpected expectation. Jesus said, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 24:44 We are told by Paul, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious...

December 23, 2023

The Reason for the Season

New Location of pastor blog.  Subscribe and receive email updates. God’s arms are forever outstretched like an embrace waiting to be accepted. Many words define this embrace. Grace. Love. Mercy. Truth. Jesus is truth in its most...

December 23, 2023

I Wish You A Faithful Christmas

I Wish You A Faithful Christmas The Christmas story begins and ends with faithful aged people who were doing what they were called to do. It begins with Zacharias and Elizabeth and concludes with Anna and Simeon. In expectation, In...

December 10, 2023

Is it important for me to be baptized?

Baptism, to be or not to be? Is it necessary or optional? Does baptism include a blessing, or is it just an outward expression of an inward work? Let’s start with Jesus. Did Jesus command and connect baptism to faith explicitly?...

December 10, 2023

A Simple Truth in a Nine Letter Word

 The universal invitation to all to join in salvation purchased for humanity by the blood of Jesus Christ. We live in a day when the above statement is intensely contested. However, let us examine this in light of the teachings of...

December 10, 2023

The Measure of Faith!

 (Image that Google gave me when I asked for “The world’s biggest Bulldozer?”) Having access to a thing is different than using what we have. Having a D5 Bulldozer in the garage is different than riding and using the same D5 to...

November 1, 2023

The Death Cult?

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 I heard this turn of phrase to describe a large swath of our culture...

October 10, 2023

What about the thief on the cross?

What about the thief on the cross? This is one of the most common questions about the need to be baptized. The thief died without believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. He was saved under the OT dispensation. The...

March 4, 2023

Baptism in Jesus Name

From Legacy Charles Fox & Eleanor Parham Chapter Twenty-Two: BAPTIZED IN JESUS NAME One would expect that since Christ followers do everything in the name of Jesus Christ, baptizing in His name would be natural – not...

February 21, 2023

25 Different Ways to Praise the Lord

  25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord Author unknown When we talk about worshiping God and praising the Lord, many Christians think about the moment they sing worship songs during church services on a Sunday morning....

February 20, 2023

The Blessing and Experience of Baptism

The Blessing and Experience of Baptism Baptism is important. The Importance of Water Baptism Christian water baptism is commanded by Jesus in the great commission in Matthew 28:19, as well as in other places in His teachings. Peter and...

February 9, 2023


  Link to the message – “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”  Hebrews 4:16 We can have boldness to...

February 8, 2023

The Glorious Path of Faith

Abraham gives us a glimpse into so many wonderful principles of faith and the journey we all can expect in our own pursuit of following after God. “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.”...

February 7, 2023

Children of Light in a World that Loves Darkness

“But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.  They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in...

February 6, 2023

How important is it to truly love truth?

Jesus was love Personified. He was a truth speaker. Jesus was truth in the flesh. Truth and its speakers “triggers” people. Jesus triggered folks so bad they beat him, put a crown of thorns on his head, and hung him on a...

February 1, 2023

Dancing on the frozen mountain pass

Dancing on the frozen mountain pass On a mountain road with ice and snow, the Highways were closed. No doubt about the frustration of those traveling down said road. However, situations determine where we are; we decide what to do when...

January 29, 2023

The Divine Invitation To Choose Life and Blessing

The Divine Invitation To Choose Life and Blessing The greatest act of God’s Sovereignty is seen when he gave each of us individual sovereignty to choose. Jesus knocks on the door of your heart with an invitation to open the door...

January 28, 2023

Better – Blessed – Blessing

If you want a better life, change is the doorway to better. Repent is the Biblical word for Change. To go in a different direction. If you believe, change, and repent is to turn from wicked, selfish, carnal, and vain pursuits....

January 28, 2023

God is not in Control!

God is Not In Control!  – Written by Pastor Jayson Pagan (I believe every Christian needs to grasp this principle truth.  Every sinner must have the truth of this impressed on their minds.) GOD IS NOT IN CONTROL The Bible is a...

January 25, 2023

Obey from the Heart

One of the most common mantra’s in all of Christianity is this, “Faith Alone.”   One verse is isolated and used to dismiss the rest of the teaching of Jesus and the apostles down to a bumper sticker verse that...

January 24, 2023

Biblical Salvation Requires Baptism

Biblical Salvation Requires Baptism  A salvation that requires baptism is Biblical salvation. Jesus insisted on His own baptism. “Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.  But John forbad him,...

January 9, 2023

Try a little kindness

Try a little kindness. We can do this with a bit of thoughtfulness and with little effort. However, kindness is listed as a fruit of the spirit. The kind of kindness we are capable of because of the Spirit of God is possible and should...

January 9, 2023

Living in a way that Causes the World To Glorify God.

Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory!     That our lives would cause others to praise God! Allowing the Grace of God To Empower Us to Do what we cannot do on our own. The world has its pursuit backward. You don’t get what you want by...

January 3, 2023

How God Works in the Life of a Rebellious Child.

 Jonah. I read this morning a message I wrote a few years ago. I needed to remember the details. God called him to go to Ninevah. He lived 500 miles from Ninevah. Over a three-week journey. Rather than going 500 miles to Ninevah, he...

January 2, 2023

1st Sunday of 2023 – GOD IS!

What a wonderful 1st Sunday of 2023. From the first moments of the service, where Sis Veronica joined and finished “AMEN” The songs, It’s a new season, I can’t even walk without you holding my hand, The Goodness...

January 2, 2023

Jesus Christ TODAY

  TODAY There are three realities in the life of a believer. The past, present, and future. We have witnessed, we have a testimony, we have seen, felt, heard, held in our hands, and rejoiced at what God has done in our lives in times...

December 29, 2022

Why You Should Pray and Fast.

Why You Should Pray and Fast. There is no minimum required faith. Jesus, when asked for more faith by his disciples, “Faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to move mountains and cast them into the sea.” You do not need...

December 29, 2022

Remodeling… Repentance.

Remodeling – Repentance Something I wrote in 2016  After living in our house for almost 13 years, I have built 25 houses, built one church building, and remodeled three other church buildings. Helped family members remodel...

December 29, 2022

How many Ways The Lord will Try to Reach You?

How many Ways The Lord will Try to Reach You?  “Jesus kissed Judas and called him friend. Jesus rebuked Peter and called him a Devil.” I would rather be rebuked by Jesus and find repentance, how about you? Judas had already...

December 29, 2022

Faith without Repentance?

A member of the church of satan was asked why he chose this as the object of worship. The response was quick and without hesitation.I found faith and religion that I could pursue my own purpose and self-interest. I could do and say...

December 28, 2022

100% GOD demands 100% Man

I saw the graphic above and I saw that it was missing one key truth. The missing equation. 100% God  100% Man  “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and...

December 27, 2022

Goliaths War With God

Goliath never stood a chance.     Goliath, a professional soldier, weighing with his armor as much as eight hundred pound man towering nine feet tall.  His spear was over twenty feet long.  Add all his armor, sword, and another warrior...

December 27, 2022

I refuse to be offended.

 “I refuse to be offended.” This attitude is demonstrated by the woman from Canaan, whose daughter was vexed by a devil. This mother was desperate. Jesus, his response would offend an average person. However, we see in her...

December 22, 2022

Frankenstein Morality

Frankenstein Morality Believing in Transformation in a World of Monstrous Immorality. I believe in the power of God to transform lives from the corruption and darkness of this world to bring an individual, anyone, into the marvelous...

December 21, 2022

“Follow your heart.” The worst advice ever.

“Follow your heart.”That is the worst advice ever. Christians are often the most commonly deceived by their heart.  We give ourselves a pass, “I love God. So, what I want to do has got to be good.”     What...

December 20, 2022

How Long Can You Hold Your Breath?

How long can you hold your breath? I read the average person can hold their breath one to five minutes. The longest on record is close to twelve minutes. That makes me out of breath thinking about it. “Let everything that has...

December 20, 2022


Better Everything is better with Butter. Biscuits. Toast. You name it. Better with Butter. Not yellow colored gell they call butter. I can’t believe what they claim tastes like butter. It’s not better than butter. Better,...

December 19, 2022

“There has got to be more.”

There Has Got To Be More! I wrote this down a few years ago after breakfast with Scott Sistrunk. Scott tole me there was a mega-church near where he was planting a church. The Lord told him to go to a service at the church. After...

December 19, 2022

Have yourself a Joseph Christmas!

Have Yourself a Joseph Christmas! How is it that God could give miraculous pregnancy for Mary, but they could not find a place to stay? It’s a picture of the miraculous of the divine throughout time. God gives him in less-than-ideal...

December 12, 2022

Who Wrote Psalms 119?

 Who Wrote Psalms Chapter 119 The Longest of all the psalms. One hundred and seventy-six verses. The content and theme is the appreciation of the WORD OF GOD. Here are a few of the verses. “164 Seven times a day do I praise thee...

December 12, 2022

Forgiveness is a Gift I Give Myself.

 Forgiveness is not about them; it is about me. Forgiveness does not clear them with God; it clears me with God. Learning how to pray for those who do us wrong is one of the most liberating and personal purifying acts we can...

December 12, 2022


The Woke Mind Virus This is a common terminology today. Elon Musk says, “The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters.” A response by Joel Pollack, “The Bible suggests that most bad ideas are endemic...

December 9, 2022

What you see is made of things you can’t see.

What you see is made of things you can’t see. The reality, seen, heard, touched, physical realm, is upheld by the unseen, unheard, untouchable. What holds everything together in our faith is unseeable; however, we see faith. In...

December 8, 2022

Practicing Spiritual Warfare

Practicing Spiritual Warfare The Right to Keep and Bare Arms The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God! We are in warfare. The warfare of significance is in the battlefield of our mind. The evil assault is on...

December 5, 2022

7 Reasons Some Answered Are Not Answered

Seven Reasons Why Prayer May Not Be Answered I was asked a question why God does not Answer some prayers.   I found the following to be a good summation of the reasons.  The following are seven Biblical reasons why God doesn’t answer...

December 5, 2022

Ancient Apocolypse?

One of the most popular shows on Netflix, an online streaming site. Ancient Apocolypse is the series. I saw that the mainstream media are running hit pieces against Netflix for showing it, the series itself, and the men producing it....

December 3, 2022

8 Billion people

8 Billion people. Living on earth right now. 800 Million are hungry right now. 2 Billion do not have access to water I would consider clean. Sadly some of those might live in the United States. Maybe, if you are alive and go to bed,...

December 2, 2022

Is your house in order?

Hezekiah was given this prophetic word,  ” Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.” This was not a judgment from God.  This was a God granting him a favor.   What a blessing to know...

November 30, 2022

How to Win Friends and Influence the World

Below are some notes for a message/lesson. I think you might find the following beneficial. Proverbs 11:27 He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him. 28 He that trusteth in...

November 30, 2022


 “YOU CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO TITHE” These are notes written by Gary Wheeler This a thoughtful and thorough case for new testament believers to consider in the area of financial participation in a local church in the area of giving....

November 26, 2022

Miracles Happen Everyday

Miracles. I believe they happen every day. They are possible. Believing, Praying, Expecting, Speaking, Thinking, and Planning. These things are the ingredients that set the stage where miracles happen. Jesus promised, “Greater...

November 26, 2022

The Dilemma – Which Tree Will You Eat From Today?

Dilemma – a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made Which Tree Will You Eat From?  Today There is so much evil in the open that one could feel outraged, negative, and hopeless about our world.  I There are so much...

November 24, 2022


Thanksgiving. I recognize this as a Holy Day. Thankfulness, I must not allow this to be relegated to a day.   Thankfulness is one of the greatest virtues I can cultivate in my heart, mind, conversation, and attitude. Today, I have a...

November 21, 2022

Set Your Love on God

 ” Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of...

November 21, 2022

Embrace Truth Even If It Hurts Your Feelings.

Truth, its nature is offensive.  Not because it’s a gun that shoots but a light that shines.  Truth reveals the deception that uses darkness as a veil.  Wrapped up in big words and sentimentality, deception steals, destroys,...

November 21, 2022

You are either one or the other.

The Old Testament makes a distinction that there are two essential types of people. Good and evil. Wicked and Righteousness. Sadly, Modern Christians have tried to cut that essential reality from the New Testament. I suggest God still...

November 20, 2022

Lack of Loyalty is a Character Flaw

The lack of loyalty/ease some can cut associations is a character flaw.  Sadly those who do this often love their sense of self to never repent or seek to fix their disloyalty… but rather seek out to gather others with the same...

November 19, 2022

Taking Responsibility to Make Peace

Taking Responsibility to Make Peace Reconciliation is Important Jesus taught many principles that are difficult to live. Most of these principles set a high expectation for each individual to take responsibility. Even in situations...

November 19, 2022

The Glass and the fulness discussion

The Glass and the fulness discussion Glass Half full / Half Empty? This is easy to fix. Refill it. The promise to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. THEY SHALL BE FILLED! Maybe, we all need a refilling. “Blessed are...

November 19, 2022

The Need for Fresh Oil

Watching a documentary about Isreal, I heard the narrator say something that caught my attention. I had to rewind it and write it down because I felt there were some insights from the basic facts about this tree, it’s fruit, and...

November 19, 2022

Why America did not become a land of vikings.

 It is said that the Vikings discovered America 500 years before Columbus. The question arises, why do they not get credit? I think it’s pretty simple, no one stayed and occupied the discovery. They did not move in and live and...

November 19, 2022

The Rest In the Story

Don’t forget the rest. Matthew 11 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your...

November 19, 2022

A testimony of answered prayer x3 from June 2015

 Big Little Miracles. In our process of making repairs to our building, when summer arrived we found two units not cooling. So someone came out and told me, One needs to be replaced, the other might be able to be repaired. The one that...

November 19, 2022

How much more precious are you?

Take no thought. Living in our culture that is very driven by a spirit of materialism and there is an insidious idea that gain is godliness is weaved into our whole world. How does one live this out? Matthew 6 31 Therefore take no...

November 10, 2022

Why can I not see the stars?

Someone shared this picture they captured recently. Someone commented they had never seen the stars like this. The response was made, “You must be in certain places where it’s possible to be so dark, lacking other light...

November 9, 2022

This World is Not My Home

Hebrews 11:24-29 “By faith Moses, when he has come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter;”  Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a...

November 8, 2022

Bold Confidence / Bold Love

Bold confidence in what you know is founded when you trust the source of your information. There should be no more confident boldness found than believers in Jesus Christ. “He that believes on me, as the scripture says, out of...

November 4, 2022

The Less is Blessed By The Better

“And without all contradiction, the less is blessed of, the better.” Hebrews 7:7 In any relationship, having a humble mind toward others sets you up to be blessed. Serving the good and potential of others as a motivation...

November 3, 2022

Men and women are not equal.

Men and women are not equal. A man cannot be a woman. A woman cannot be a man. Men and women are unique one from another and were created with specific strengths and weaknesses that together become one flesh. Our uniqueness highlights...

November 3, 2022

The Lords Prayer

The Lords Prayer The blessing of having it memorized and its availability to pray through, line by line, and meditate on its implications and connections to life and where God is needed. Jesus gave us an outline we can easily use for...

October 31, 2022

The Lord is My Lot

Video of the message that this article summarizes. Haman, the enemy of the Jews, cast the lot, the pur, to determine the most fortuitous day to destroy the Jews. The Best day to attack the Jews...

October 30, 2022

God is Good All the Time

Generosity is a favored trait that speaks to someone’s appreciation of the generosity of God to us. God is kind to all. The just and the unjust, he sends his rain and does not block his light from shining. The grace of God that...

October 27, 2022

The greatest story ever told

Every story ever written was built on the greatest story ever told: Once upon a time… Every day… But, one day… Because of that… Because of that… Because of that… Until, finally… And, ever since...

October 22, 2022

Rest, it’s a God idea.

 Rest. It’s a God idea. God, He set the precedent.    Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. In the Old Testament, everything...

October 21, 2022

The Identity of Jesus Christ | Four Points to Consider

The Identity of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is both God and man. He is the one God incarnate. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself” (II...

October 20, 2022

Holy or Profane?

Holy or Profane?If there is no holy, there is no profane. Righteous and wicked. The Binary of clear distinction is a God idea, and if we have Godly values, we must seek to understand and discern these divine divisions. The nature of...

October 16, 2022

One Of Them

ONE OF THEM Message Link- On Thursday night, As I sat in the front of the general conference service in 2022, as the worship began, there was a crush of people of all ages, races, and sizes coming to...

October 16, 2022

Sealed and Branded

 Sealed and Branded “sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,” I have always seen this word as defined in a similar meaning to Noah pitching the ark, a waterproofing of sorts, to keep what is inside safe from what is...

October 16, 2022

Beauty Reserved For The End of Time

The Clearest Image of Pluto captured by the New Horizons spacecraft. Beauty Reserved For The End of Time Reminds me of the saying, “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound.” We know...

October 16, 2022

The Call to Confrontation

  God is calling the church to move into the realm of confrontation. Confrontation is a harsh reality. The Spirit of Anti-Christ has been at work in our world since the serpent whispered his enticing lies in the garden. Everything...

October 16, 2022

From Presbyterian Minister to Pentecostal Experience

  From Presbyterian Minister to Pentecostal Experience A video of the testimony.  Additional information was shared by the pastor. On a recent visit to a local church in Columbus, Ohio, a minister was...

October 16, 2022


MEN USURPING CHRIST & WOMEN USURPING THEIR HUSBANDS  Shared here for your consideration. Written by Jayson Pagan – Pastor / Salina, Ks The wife being under the headship of her husband is NOT a result of the curse. This is a...

October 16, 2022


  HOW THE APOSTLES DIED September 8, 2021 1. Matthew. Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound. 2. Mark. Died in Alexandria, Egypt , after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead. 3. Luke. He was...

October 16, 2022


Posted here for your consideration. Written by Jayson Pagan – Pastor, Salina Ks DO YOU REALLY KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEVIL? Before Calvary, Satan and the kingdom of darkness had a legitimate system on earth. He operated within...

October 16, 2022

The gift to see the sky.

The gift to see the sky. Thankfulness It’s a state of mind. When you choose to cultivate this in your heart, it will prevent so many things that otherwise would take over. I have a ditch and fence behind a privacy fence in my...

September 27, 2022

The Miracle Begins With You

 Gideons lament.  “Oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why is all this befallen us? And where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken us,...

September 25, 2022

The Pure in Heart Shall See God

  Message – “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8 One of the most detailed teachings of Jesus found in the Gospels is found in what many call,...

September 25, 2022

I can see the future.

 I can see the future. The future is split into two different options. One where we spend eternity with our savior and be free from the darkness of this present reality. The joy will be so much more rapturous and completely free from...

September 9, 2022

To the Pure, All Things Are Pure.

 To the pure, all things are pure. Read that real slowly and think about it. All things are pure to those that are pure. If there is one challenge we face the more life and circumstance we experience, it is the pursuit of a pure heart....

September 6, 2022

Don’t Worship Yourself

Godliness is to selfishness what righteousness is to iniquity. One thing leads to another, and the denial of self is what will lead to righteousness. Preferring self is the epitome of iniquity. Stubbornness is the iniquity of the...

August 31, 2022

Don’t miss the product by focusing on the parts.

Don’t miss the forest for the trees. Don’t miss the mechanics in desiring the product, however without the mechanics, there is no product. Being born again, obeying Acts 2:38, is the mechanism, the mechanics, the engineering that...

August 24, 2022

Humble Hearts and Clean Hands Serving Hot Truths

Learning how to truly see our errors and make amends is maybe one of the hardest things to do. Letting someone talk to you and cause you to rethink your words is a sign of humility. I would encourage you to be willing to speak hard...

August 24, 2022

Gender Distinction

 Gender distinction is a Bible truth long forgotten by large swaths of Christianity. Some parts of Christianity are being overwhelmed by the whirlwind of cultural confusion that is now seeking to remove the last vestiges of truth on...

August 24, 2022


MY BODY, MY CHOICE written by Jayson Pagan I’m not talking about abortion; however, that’s a given. The attitude is in the world. The attitude can get into the church. The body comprises hair, eyes, mouth, face, chest, hands, nails,...

August 17, 2022


 Generations We have terminology that has generalized conclusions about those born in these ranges of years.  Boomers, Generation x, y & z Always, there have been those who were anomalies, who were different and made a difference....

August 13, 2022

The Supernatural Witness of Speaking in Tongues

The Supernatural Witness of Speaking in Tongues By Bro Ken Raggio I witnessed a lady speaking in tongues who was unwittingly speaking in the Arabic language. A lady standing beside her recognized the Arabic language and translated it...

August 3, 2022


 JEZEBEL LOVES TO TEACH written by Jayson Pagan John said about Jezebel that, “by her teaching has misled my servants.” This was a message from Jesus to the advancing church of Thyatira. Very important to understand the teaching...

July 28, 2022


 Reality. You either learn how to overcome adversity, difficulty, and discomfort, or you run and seek to escape. As a believer, Jesus gave us a plan in dealing with these things. Sadly many believers are unaware of what Jesus said...

July 24, 2022

Foreknowledge = Predestination?

Written by Jacob Stump  Foreknowledge = Predestination? To a Calvinist, foreknowledge is no different than predestination. If God foreknows with 100% certainty, then foreknowledge is no different than predestined. According to them, we...

July 13, 2022

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

 “The heavens declare the glory of God;” Psalm 19:1 New pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope have given us the ability to look deeper into a smaller part of the night sky. The estimate on the number of stars before...

July 7, 2022

God Sees Me and I am Glad

God Sees Me and I am Glad  “He that formed the eye, shall he not see?” Psalm 94:9 God sees. Not only does he see you where you are and know what you do at all times, God sees what is in your heart and mind. He knew you in...

July 2, 2022

The Prescription for America on this Fourth of July

  The Prescription for America on this Fourth of July Americans love their freedoms.  But do we? Freedom to speak, yet often mute on things that matter. Freedom to Worship, but rarely go to church. Freedom to assemble, however, live...

June 28, 2022

Stars in the Heavens and Sand on the Seashore

Stars in the universe and grains of sand in the world. 14-17 Septillion. In the realm of large numbers, they are comparable in number. The Heavens Declare God’s GloryThe Sand Declare his Mercy. “Let him who is without sin...

June 25, 2022

The Day After Roe Was Overturned.

Musing about the United States and Abortion  The biggest result of abortion in our culture, not counting the 60,000,000 babies killed, is the moral ambiguity of casual, meaningless sex.  Pornography, Hollywood, Country, Rock, Hip Hop,...

June 25, 2022

The Saints Shall Judge The Wicked?

“Judge Not That You Are Not Judged.” This statement is the most misunderstood and overquoted while being misunderstood in the whole of scripture. Just an honest observation would make this truth obvious.  In the same...

June 22, 2022

It is All About Love! Really

For over three months I have been teaching a series called, “It’s all about love.”   Through this, I have come to a renewed appreciation that the title of the series encapsulates the Biblical Narrative from Genesis to...

June 19, 2022

It’s All About Love! #13

Playlist for complete series Love is the motivating principle of God toward mankind. From that moment of formation of man from clay and the inspiring breath of...

June 13, 2022

I went to Church

  From an elder pastor, this wisdom is GOLD. Having received the Holy Ghost baptism at 11 and now 67 some 56 years in the church. I have been through deep trials and yes feeling hopeless at times. Discouraged wondering if I was going...

June 11, 2022

Jesus is not simply one thing.

 I think one of the great misconceptions and deceptions is to portray Jesus as one-dimensional. The graphics above do in fact portray a true picture of Jesus. Full stop. However, Jesus, Is more than a servant king washing feet. He...

June 8, 2022

Absolute Truth

 Truth. Absolute. Truth. The obvious agenda at work in our world is to make truth taboo and to take things that would have been categorized as insanity as a norm that must be adopted and loved by everyone. Those who would resist this...

June 5, 2022

It’s All About Love #11

For The Video’s for this series, this is the youtube Playlist Notes to Lesson 11 Love.   True Christian Love is a love that reflects God’s love...

June 1, 2022

Jesus is God’s Selfie

  ALL The Fullness John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us….Word (Logos): visible results of a blueprint. God made Adam like He would look as the Son or flesh of God. He was God as human.Some imagine God saying, “I...

June 1, 2022

The Hope of a Believer

Hope, motivated Abraham. Hope, sustained Joseph. Hope, protected Daniel. We would do well to meditate and consider, treasure and trust the hope God has given us. Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed...

May 29, 2022

Living a Life of Worship

 Living a Life of Worship Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. 2 Timothy 3:16 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of...

May 29, 2022

The beautiful sight of a dirty glass door.

 Do you see it? Little hand prints on the door of the church. Some might think that looks bad. I saw this and made me thankful for the parents and grandparents that bring themselves and the little babies to church. It’s hard. But it’s...

May 28, 2022

There is but One God Manifested in Jesus Christ!

There is one God. Every false teaching concerning the Godhead limits who Jesus is. Key scriptural fact. The Godhead is in Jesus, Jesus is not in the Godhead. Either prophetically Paul dealt with the error of limiting who Jesus is and...

May 27, 2022

The Proper Response to The Breath of God

 Life. The unthinking act of breath. Respiration. God breathed into us the breath of life. Breath. In, out. When that process stops, life ends. This is true in the natural. It’s also true in the spirit. Natural breath is without...

May 26, 2022

Gross Darkness answered by a Brighter Light

 ” ..evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” The vital gift we need today is discernment. Can we discern who the evil men and seducers are? Can we discern when the pendulum is...

May 24, 2022

Iron Sharpens Iron

  Iron sharpens iron. This is stated in relation to fellowship among friends. The process of sharpening involves removing a veneer from the blade to be sharper. It’s more about deduction of self, grinding down toward sharpness....

May 22, 2022

Does this please God?

 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Ps 37:23 Could it be one reason this is true is a good man knows, loves, and seeks to honor God in His Walk? Many people like to judge...

May 20, 2022

Dethrone the Prince of Darkness in your life.

Dethrone the Prince of Darkness in your life. Written by Pastor Jayson Pagan  If we are IGNORANT, Satan’s schemes will destroy and take over your life.  The word “prince” means FIRST LAW.  Satan is the prince of darkness.  The word...

April 24, 2022

The Miracle found in the reach

 The Miracle found in the reach Exodus 14:20-22 21And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. 22And...

April 20, 2022

Start With Grace

Grace, giving grace is always the best starting point. We, who have been saved, we’re saved by grace. Those who yet been saved, if and when they are, it will be grace that saves them. Grace is a reality to the saved and unsaved. ...

April 3, 2022

This is a stool.

This is a stool.  It is designed for one to rest upon.   However for it to perform the designed purpose, one must see it in the right way and therefore use it in the right way, and in that way, it will be a blessing. However, if it...

April 1, 2022

What in the tarnation is going on around here?

  What in the tarnation is going on around here? Trans AthletesTrans Cartoons Trans Jeopardy players Trans Woman of the year Remember the warnings about Gay marriage and how this would not be the end of the debate? In short order, men...

March 30, 2022

Worse and Worse

 Have you noticed? “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13 Disney. Music Industry. Cultural Norms. Government Policies. So, the question is, will the church...

March 23, 2022

Gender Distinction is a God Idea

 This used to be a simple sign to explain gender. The religious world as a whole ceased to recognize the value of gender distinction to the point that it is almost a foreign concept in a conversation with Christians. Our culture has...

March 22, 2022

Baptism Matters

 Baptism matters. “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death:” Romans 6:3&4 “For as many of you as have...

March 15, 2022

Every day is a day of choosing.

 Every day is a day of choosing. “Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse;” A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: And a curse, if ye will not obey the...

March 15, 2022

God requires us to do something.

“At that time the Lord said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood.   And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables...

March 10, 2022

The Currency of God

 This is something I wrote a long time ago. I found it while looking for something else and felt prompted to share. The Currency of God “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you,...

March 9, 2022

Hinds Feet in High Places

  Hinds Feet in High Places What a way to end your book. What a way to close your chapter. Habakkuk was a captive in Babylon.He would not see the return. However with a spirit of fervency, With an attitude of indefatigable pursuit of...

March 2, 2022

Your body is the temple of God

  Your body is the temple of God The second law of thermodynamics is Entropy.   In simple terms, things break down, slow down and burn out over time. You see this in a cup of hot coffee… it will not stay hot. You see this in a...

February 6, 2022

The Topography Matters

This shows the topography of china  This explains why most of the population of China is in a particular area. Regular Maps show one dimension of reality. Often when you are actually on the mapped location, it looks a lot different...

February 5, 2022


OFFER UP YOUR KIDNEYS Written by Pastor Jayson Pagan A sacrifice without the kidneys was unacceptable, incomplete, and denied by God. In Hebrew thinking, the heart meant your life but the kidneys symbolized the inner stirrings of...

February 3, 2022

Thank God For the Word of God!

Thank God For the Word of God! The Miracle of Inspiration. The Miracle of Preservation. The Miracle of Revelation. So many miracles are exemplified in its existence. So many miracles are possible by its testimony. So many miracles are...

January 28, 2022


 Beware! The image shows a downward decline. In reality, it’s from the foundation the house falls down. That first step down… may be a very gradual slope, but the next steps happen rapidly. Beware of those who sow seeds of...

January 20, 2022

Forgiveness and the 70x7

Forgiveness and the 70x7 equation is not about a number, but an attitude. I refuse to be offended. I will not allow my heart to be defiled by bitterness. You can not offend me. I will not hold a grudge. I have been forgiven....

January 18, 2022

They called the golden calf JEHOVAH.

Written by Pastor Jayson Pagan  They called the golden calf JEHOVAH. They called it Elohim. Aaron himself called it Yahweh. Yahweh delivered us from Egypt. Yahweh saved us. Yahweh healed us. Right name, but the wrong way. They...

January 18, 2022

Step in and walk in the Flow of the Spirit

The difference between a flow and no flow can be a measure of half an inch, even less. When that flow begins, the pressure will clear the way and the flow will grow.     The cure for carnality is the overflow of the Spirit, which we...

January 8, 2022

Green does not always mean go.

Green does not always mean go. After a near-death experience, a log truck runs red light and blasts through the intersection I was entering, a lady called me and shared with me this statement. The Lord gave her that after seeing many...

January 8, 2022

The Natural in the Supernatural

Our obedience is the natural in the supernatural.  These signs follow them that believe.  Signs follow the obedient movement of faith.  Prayer, healing, deliverance, the supernatural manifest when we actualize the theology in words,...

January 6, 2022

The Fear of the Lord

  The Fear of the Lord The Bible is a book that declares to us many incredible things. One thing that stood out today in my reading is the stark distinction between the blessing and curse of God. God was willing to spare all the cities...

January 5, 2022

The Well of the One That Sees Me

 Beerlahairoi – The Well of the One That Sees Me I find this very interesting. A source of water whose reputation, it belongs to the God that watches me. There is a well that belongs to God, specifically, the God that is watching...

January 5, 2022

A Jealous God

God does not “MAKE” you serve him. The reality is to serve goodness, virtue, light and love, one must from the heart surrender and submit to the God of light, love to experience God’s best. If you choose to not...

January 3, 2022

Check Your Levels through the scripture.

Every relationship has times of misunderstanding and hurt. We would do well to preserve long-standing relationships if at all possible. Ministry of saints and leadership operates in a realm of love. Bless those who have blessed you...

January 2, 2022

The Miracle of a Single Olive Leaf.

  The Miracle of a Single Olive Leaf. Like many of you, I am reading the book of Genesis. This little segment of a verse lodged in my mind. After the flood, the dove found an olive leaf. One single leaf of an olive finds worth...

January 1, 2022

Dominion over Creeping Things

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that...

December 31, 2021

The Human Will Can Be Like a Bulldozer

 The Human Will Can Be Like A Bulldozer Unstoppable! However, the path of blessing is not one we can create simply through force of will and personal genius. As believers, we recognize God’s will is the greatest blessings we can...

December 26, 2021

The Gift to Re Gift

In the Old Testament, the covenant revolved around a promise of conquest, authority, prosperity, and inheritance. In the new covenant, there is no doubt a covenant of blessings given, however, the higher promise is that what we have...

December 21, 2021

The day of the longest night

December 21 Today, The day of the longest night. Darkness is symbolic of ignorance, evil, and difficulty. It seems in some ways our current societal times are the darkest night in recent memory. From the pandemic, social unrest, moral...

December 18, 2021

The Simplicity of Brilliance

Words There is power in words. Love. Peace. Joy. These three are of the highest ideals in our human experience. Love is to be valued, appreciated, to hope for the best.    Peace is the lack of strife, trouble, anxiety, or fear. Joy is...

December 4, 2021

I Wish You A Faithful Christmas

 I Wish You A Faithful Christmas The Christmas story begins and ends with faithful aged people who were doing what they were called to do. It begins with Zacharias and Elizabeth concludes with Anna and Simeon. In expectation, In...

November 30, 2021

Soak Up His Mercy in the Morning

Fact: The Mercy of God is new every day. Response: It is up to us to drink in this reality and soak in its virtue every morning. You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink. We must gather the manna in the morning. And...

November 28, 2021

How far can you see?

How far can you see? When I consider the Prophets I am amazed to consider the circumstances that birthed the writings that we observe as inspired and God-breathed words. I consider the words of Isaiah and its beautiful prophetic...

November 19, 2021

The Trinity?

This was written by Pastor Jayson Pagan. Direct from the Catholic Church; I purchased it from their website. Took a while to get here, but I bought it to help people I teach to see exactly what the definition of the “Trinity” truly is....

November 18, 2021

A Word to the Unknown Soldiers of God’s Kingdom

  A Word to the Unknown Soldiers of God’s Kingdom Promotion, Recognition, and Appreciation. Is it possible that what we view as promotion and purpose might not be the same as what God views as purpose and promotion? Potentially...

November 8, 2021

Beware of the Bigger Barn Syndrome

 Bigger Barns = Bigger Storage Space? I talked to a friend this weekend who with his wife was going to empty a storage building. They were tired of paying rent for stuff. 38 BILLION is spent yearly on storage for stuff. 6.5 square feet...

November 5, 2021

The Booker Blessing

The Booker Blessing “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 I remember as a young man in ministry, a man I held in...

October 26, 2021

The Pearl

A few notes from the Message Video here, ” Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he...

October 18, 2021

The Absolute Nature of Truth

 The Absolute Nature of Truth This concept is antithetical to the “intellectual” mind. It is in the nature of thought/reasoning to accept things at face value. Scriptural faith requires a simplistic acceptance of absolute...

October 13, 2021

Read Your Bible

 Reading the Bible, helps you to know what the Bible actually says, rather than knowing what someone else says the Bible says. The challenge is to read the Bible and ignore what others say it says. Don’t dismiss what the Bible...

October 4, 2021

The Coming Beast System Seen in Modern Day Technology

Hey Siri Hey Google Ask it a question, and the answers it gives are a product of its training. Ask about genders, Ask about any general subject. It will parrot to you the information fed into it. Who fed the information authority that...

October 4, 2021

The World Through the Eyes of a Worshipper

The lesson plan from God, the purpose was to train a mentality. “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou...

September 29, 2021

Is it Really Tame?

This was written by my Father, Ron Phillips.  I thought you might enjoy. Is it Really Tame? Some things by their very nature we already know are dangerous. People can think they’ve got it tamed. Think they’ve got control of a seemingly...

September 28, 2021

How Do I Know I have Received the Holy Spirit? Notes below are for the video linked above. How Do I Know I have Received the Holy Spirit? Most people are taught that when they profess faith in Jesus Christ, at that moment, they receive the Holy Spirit....

September 28, 2021

What is Calvinism?

  Below is a rough outline of the things I discuss in the video lesson. Calvinism – What is it? Subtitle, “The reason why I am not a Calvinist.” In summary, Calvinism is the Christian version of Fatalism. One of the...

September 27, 2021

Cut the Strings!

I read this story and thought it was worth sharing. Cut the Strings! The first police officer reaches under the one-ton bale of hay and attempts to lift it off of me. Of course, it doesn’t budge. He grabs his flashlight and shines it...

September 27, 2021

America Through The Eyes of An Immigrant

 If you want to love America more, go ride in a uber and listen to those non-Americans thankful for what Americans call poverty… it’s wealth where they come from. Freedom is riches. The impoverished in America have the...

September 24, 2021

In Gratitude and Appreciation To Every Godly Woman

In Gratitude and Appreciation To Every Godly Woman Yesterday I went to a funeral, the Grandmother of BJ Randall and the mother of Monte Brent Randall Sr.  Based on everything I have heard about this dear lady, she was a faithful,...

September 23, 2021

Calvinism Series Introduction

Youtube Video – Link Calvinism – Reformed Christianity Introduction  Christianity is a shattered world of distinct and different beliefs.   Under the flag of Christianity there are many...

September 19, 2021

Don’t forget to push the power button.

In every situation, faith is a choice. Even when doing something good and righteous, we must choose to exercise faith. Ritual, habit, obligation will rob you of the fullest benefit. No doubt, thank God for ritual, habit, and obligation...

September 12, 2021

What holds us together might not seem like much.

What holds us together might not seem like much. “The next time you go to play Ricky Bobby, in traffic, know that this is EVERYTHING, that is holding the front of your car on, from the motor to license plate, jus sayin!” ...

September 10, 2021

Will you sleep on, oh sleeper?

  “So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.”  Jonah 1:6 This morning, as I considered the...

September 8, 2021

Be Fearful, of God alone.

Be Fearful, of God alone.  Jesus said this, “And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after...

August 30, 2021

The Empowerment of the 2nd Birth

 In my first birth, there were variables given to me I did not set. I did not pick my nose, ears, eye color, height, shoe size, skin color, parents, siblings, or origin. These were given to me through no choice of my own. In my second...

August 24, 2021

“The Lord is my shepherd;”

 “The Lord is my shepherd;” This is not a statement of fact as much as a declaration of submission. When we choose to humbly look to God for direction, protection, provision, wisdom and purpose we are positioning ourselves...

August 23, 2021

The Catalyst of Promise

Love Keeps Pray Comforter Abide Spirit Truth Know Dwell In You The individual words that stood out to me in this scripture text. John 14:15-17 If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you...

August 8, 2021

What is the Mount of the Valley?

A Question was asked, ““the mount of the valley” For there to be a valley, there has to be a mountain. No Mountain, no Valley. For there to be a top, there has to be a bottom. For there to be a full, there has to be an empty. No...

July 23, 2021

Is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical? For Video of this lesson  Is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical?   Let me explain. Once saved always saved will be a reality when we get to heaven. Until then, the teachings of Jesus and the apostles was a...

July 20, 2021

Tomato Plant in a Pothole

Tomato Plant in a Pothole In Jackson, Ms, there was a news article with an accompanying picture of a pothole that looks 12′ square, over half the street. Someone with a sense of humor planted a tomato plant in the middle of it....

July 20, 2021

Faith Wins!!

 Faith Wins! When you engage your faith, you are inviting the greatest difference in your life. When you line up behind, below, and believing in the God of heaven, it matters not the opposition or obstacle. Faith Wins. “.....

July 14, 2021

The Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ

The Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ Patience.  It is a virtue that many of us find lacking in our life.  I do.   In the age of fast food, microwave ovens and 4G Cell phones, patience is not what we strive for, or pray about. In...

July 14, 2021


Refreshing When the Spirit of God whispers to you direction, inspiration, and peace. He is the peace speaker. I am thankful to have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand. To know that God to speaks to men. In a still small...

July 11, 2021

The Miracle in a Memory

July 11, 2021  This morning, at about 7:30, I was walking across the parking lot of the church where I pastor. I felt the spirit of the Lord quicken me to stop. I was talking to a dear friend, and I felt prompted to get off the phone....

July 2, 2021

What to do when you are bit by a snake?

 “A rattlesnake bit one of my sheep in the face about a week ago. Deadliest snake that lives around here. The sheep’s face swelled up and hurt her terribly. But the old rattlesnake didn’t know the kind of blood that flows through...

June 30, 2021

The Kryptonite to Bitterness

  The superpower and superhero of our current day is bitterness.  The sidekicks of hurt, wrongs and offense in spirit and embodiment in politics, culture, and academia.   Historical, current and potential wrongs must be viewed through...

June 29, 2021

A Plea for the Innocent

Beware of spreading the contagious cancer of overt criticism and bitter words to the young. “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,...

June 28, 2021

Harnessing what God has given us.

 Harnessing what God has given us. Each of us has some outstanding qualities. Some of them might not be on their face positive, however in the right context and used properly they can serve us well in our pursuit of living meaningful...

June 28, 2021

Dealing with Doubt

 I had someone tell me they were struggling with moving forward in God because of some very hard questions. Here is my response that someone might find helpful. There are no easy answers to hard questions. In those things I can not...

June 26, 2021

Finding a Song in your trouble

FEELING DISCOURAGED, DEPRESSED, OR EVEN DESPAIRING? Helen Howarth Lemmel experience the same when she was struck by a disease that caused her to go blind and as a result was abandoned by her husband. Yet amidst her situation, she...

June 25, 2021

The Kingdom of God is Like a Seed

 Seeds, Flowers, Fruit, Seeds I did something I have never done. I bought a pack of sunflower seeds. I planted them. I have watched them progress from seeds, to sprigs, to small and developing plants. Finally flowers and the beginning...

June 25, 2021

Drawing out What We Bring In

  Drawing Out There is a truth, and we bring in, drink in, draw in, consume, and bring inside our souls those things we are connected. You draw water out of a well in a few ways, buckets, pipes, and what is inside is brought out, and...

June 24, 2021

How important is love?

 In no uncertain terms, Paul declared to the Galatians a truth that is applicable to today. He declares in simplicity, the absence of one virtue invalidates all others. Don’t get me wrong, there are other absolutely required...

June 23, 2021

Decisions You Choose To Make

 Cain and Abel. The Worship and Faith of one was accepted by God, the other was not. It’s been going on since the foundation of the world. Of course, the Cain’s of the World will try to murder this idea of personal...

June 22, 2021

We choose what we forget and what we remember.

We choose what we forget and what we remember. Some people remember all the good, godly, kind things others have done for them and forget those times of conflict, disappointment, and disagreement. One will bring your joy and peace with...

June 22, 2021

What you feel is not real.

 What you feel is often not real.    Don’t get me wrong; I know our feelings are undeniable; however, emotions are momentary and often do not portray reality.   If you let your feelings make your decisions you will live a life of...

June 18, 2021

When Prayer Loses Its Power

 When Prayer Loses Its Power There are two kinds of prayer. Prayers that flow like waters from the soul. Prayers that are but memorized vapors of past prayers. It’s possible to pray things you have always prayed, while not...

May 29, 2021

Don’t let others season your life.

  How much of what we think about others has to do with what others have said and not what we have personally experienced… however it can easily feel personal when it is nothing more than an evil report. With that in mind, we...

May 26, 2021

Be Encouraged

Written by Rusty Hathcock Be encouraged. No less than 5 times, I felt as though the Spirit of the Lord would have me share … Jesus Christ surrounded himself with 12 “steady” men.  In a 3 and 1/2 year span, one of those twelve...

May 25, 2021

Do you believe in God

The question was asked, “Why do you believe in God?” This is my answer. I have experienced the reality of God.   I have seen prayers about impossible things answered.   I have felt the undeniable close encounters of the...

May 22, 2021

One of the Greatest Gifts To Seek From God

One of the Greatest Gifts To Seek From God There are a lot of things that carry a “Christianity” flag that gets a carte blanche pass.     Observation, since there were prophets, there was a warning about false prophets. ...

May 13, 2021

Faith Filled Love Toward God = Fear Free

We have access to a fear-free life.  How? Loving God, being in total devotion to God breeds a boldness, confidence, and conviction that will cause you like David to Run at the Enemy knowing God has Got this. No Fear is a product of...

May 12, 2021

Is Grace Unmerited Favor?

Is Grace Unmerited Favor?   Yes, however that is an understatement. Grace is unmerited favor.  Like water is wet. However, Grace is everything that God does toward us individually and humanity as a whole. From the careful forming of...

May 12, 2021

Courageous Faith

 When Israel had a righteous king who loved God and his ways the Nation prospered.   My prayer is the Lord would send a revival of repentance to our nation from the top down and a grassroots revival.    We must cease to allow politics...

May 8, 2021

Is the Kingdom of God multicultural?

The Kingdom’s call is for every person.  Whosever will. Go ye therefore and teach all nations. Our focus and passion must not revolve around our individual cultural preferences but must be focused on the good of all people that...

May 5, 2021

The real reason United Methodists split the blanket

The real reason United Methodists split the blanket Written by JR Ensey  They were too divided to serve under the name “United” any longer. America’s third-largest Christian denomination—the United Methodist Church (UMC)—is splitting...

May 4, 2021

Subcultures created by echo chambers.

Subcultures created by echo chambers. We have known that CNN specifically and MSM, in general, has been running a propaganda echo chamber pushing all manner of principles and agendas that are anti-christ. No doubt it is under the color...

May 2, 2021

One of The Greatest Gifts God Will Ever Give You

One of The Greatest Gifts God Will Ever Give You ((This message is not for those who have no desire to truly pray for God’s will in their life. This is not for the fair-weather believers or simply those who see God as a Life Raft...

May 2, 2021

Why I Worship on Sunday

Sunday The First Day of the Week Give the Lord Jesus Christ Praise due to His Name Give, encourage, and be encouraged Plug into the Body of Christ Demonstrate Discipleship A way to set the tone, Grow in Wisdom Find the pitch It was on...

April 30, 2021

We are on a wild ride to a brand new day.

 The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds, the surface of the earth is moving roughly 1,000 miles per hour. We are on a wild ride to a brand new day. All through the night, even at it’s darkest point,...

April 29, 2021

Are Your Prayers Not Being Answered?

Are your prayers not being answered? By Jay Jones Here are some possible reasons why… 1. Unforgiving – If you don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive you. Matthew 6:15 2. Unbelief – To pray in doubt...

April 26, 2021

Discouraged with your spiritual growth?

 Discouraged with your spiritual growth?….. Written by Jayson Pagan I love this verse: “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.” (Proverbs 4:18) It is my...

April 23, 2021

For the Joy Set Before Us

Joy It is amazing to see how the combination of things produces the desired results.  You do not get what you desire by pursuing it directly, however often what we desire is a product of doing other things. In Hebrews chapter twelve we...

April 23, 2021

The Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5-7, Jesus in His wisdom, lays out the way to live that was and is counter to the culture and our nature. The reason why so many today, though they are proclaiming Christians, don’t live in a way that reflects what Jesus...

April 16, 2021

God’s Grace is Calling You For More

Grace is demonstrated as everything God does in his relentless pursuit of the soul of each individual. From the moment he proverbially leaned over Adam and breathed into him the breath of life, till this day, God is stretching,...

April 16, 2021

The Acts of the Apostolics

 The Acts of the Apostolics  What kind of faith could be generated if we began to intentionally declare what God is doing in every venue we have access to?  The other day I saw before my eyes prayers answered.  At that very moment, I...

April 15, 2021

They Named Him Zerubbabel

 They Named Him Zerubbabel Written by Jacob Stump Zerubbabel It means “Stranger in Babylon”. His parents knew he would grow up outside of God’s Promised Land. They knew he would be raised among heathens, influenced by paganism, and...

April 13, 2021

The Climate of Wickedness

 The Climate of Wickedness The book of Proverbs in your Bible is a study of contrast between the righteous and the wicked within a backdrop of the simple, the fool and the scoffer. If everyone who considers themselves a believer took a...

April 11, 2021

The Last Four Chapters of the Bible

The Last Four Chapters of the Bible  This morning, I read the last four chapters of the book of Revelation. Jesus wins. The faithful and devoted followers of Jesus wins. However, everyone else loses. It’s no doubt triggering if...

April 3, 2021

Salt and Light.

Salt and Light.  Jesus declared that is what we are redeemed to be. To be distinct, to season, to preserve, and to influence the world around us. To be seen and known as a light for righteousness. We, as believers, have a mandate to be...

March 30, 2021

How did the First Believers Experience Salvation?

  How did the First Believers Experience Salvation? What must I do to be saved? This is a Bible Study I had with a man named David.   You can watch the Video, there are scripture slides to read along or you might choose the audio on...

March 26, 2021

Patriarchy? Sexism? Is it a flaw or a feature?

Patriarchy, defined as a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line. Sexism, it’s a new term, but one significant part of its definition is...

March 25, 2021

I visited a Synagog and gained an insight.

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March 24, 2021


 Priceless / Worthless One mans’ trash another man’s treasure. We live in a world that more and more have not respect, knowledge, understanding, or appreciation for the Word of God. Pictured is one of the most expensive...

March 14, 2021

The Virtue of Rejoicing

 We are made in the image of God. “And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost...

March 10, 2021

Gender Distinction is a God Idea

Let me start by declaring, “I Love Women.” I love my Mama. I love my Wife. I love all of the wonderful godly women who have greatly impacted my life. Even today I pastor some of the most awesome people in the world and many...

March 8, 2021

The Secret to Making Complexity Simple

While listening to someone speak on the complexity of the universe, it sparked in my heart this meditation and reflection on living our lives according to the word of God. The Complexity of the Simple The Simplicity of the Complex Made...

March 6, 2021

The Algorithm of a Believer

What is an Algorithm? Finiteness.     An algorithm must always terminate after a finite number of steps. Definiteness. Each step of an algorithm must be precisely defined; the actions to be carried out must be rigorously and...

March 4, 2021

Precious Treasures

Link to the Message – All of the wealth of this world cannot purchase peace, hope, or salvation. ALL the Gold in the HillsAll of the Diamonds in the depthsALL of the Pearls in the sea. We were...

February 15, 2021

The Waters of Noah

 “For this is as the waters of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee.” Isaiah 54:9 I heard this...

February 11, 2021

Shares in the Promise

 Buying Shares In the Promises of God. Invested. Some realities seem to make our promises impossible. However, something inside of us says, “I want to invest in the impossible.” People talk about it. People pray about it....

February 3, 2021

Where are the Intercessors?

 Where are the intercessors?  A tragedy of our age is the shrinking ranks of a worthy ministry.  Intercessory Prayer What will happen when you need someone to pray for you today?  Many of us can point to salvation...

January 30, 2021

Faith Obeys – Doubt Disobeys

 Faith Alone?   There is only one scripture where the two words, faith and alone are found together.  Sadly the meaning is in direct contradiction to one of the favorite deceptions in Christianity.  There are...

January 29, 2021

The Answer to the Darkness

Video to message Darkness Close your eyes and imagine with me the darkness of a room where there is no light. I remember being afraid of the dark. I remember imagining dangers and seems fears multiplied....

January 29, 2021

What’s going to happen?

 What’s going to happen? I heard a father describe a game his young son likes to play. The young boy standing on the couch will cry out to him in glee, “What’s going to happen?  What’s going to...

January 29, 2021

Missing in Action / Comfortable in Platitudes

How many would have a ministry that could help people experience salvation and deliverance if they only loved the Lord as much as they love themselves and personal agendas? Jesus gave requirements many are unwilling to fulfill. Deny...

January 29, 2021

Sometimes Bad News is the Good News

The worst circumstances can be the setting for the best results.  Rack, Shack, and Benny stood in the face of a tyrannical leader and complicit government. They were bound hand and foot and thrown into a fiery furnace. However,...

January 29, 2021

A Little While

A Little While Jesus confounded his disciples with this phrase. “A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.” John 16:16 We are still confounded by...

January 29, 2021

Peace or Vexation – It’s Up to You.

Ecclesiastes is a testament to a man who spent his life filling his mind/heart with too much information. His conclusion was “for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” Seven times he proclaims of his investigation and...

January 29, 2021

Is Every Elected Leader the Will of God?

This was written by someone else, but I think it is worthy of your thoughtful consideration.    I did no attribute because it was posted on a private group.  Psalms 115:16 (KJV) “The heaven, [even] the heavens,...

January 29, 2021

Frontline Worshippers

“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” John 4:23 During COVID, we have heard the term, “Front Line...