A Word to the Unknown Soldiers of God’s Kingdom
Promotion, Recognition, and Appreciation. Is it possible that what we view as promotion and purpose might not be the same as what God views as purpose and promotion? Potentially the role God promotes some to is to be a doorkeeper or some necessary duty that could be viewed as service work. For every David in the kingdom, there are millions that never became King, prophet or a famous hero. The unknown soldiers, and the clandestine cadre of committed saints that make the Kingdom work.
Jehovah told Jeremiah that while he, Jeremiah, felt he was singular in his devotion, there were seven thousand who were as committed to him.
I believe at times our culture celebrates the seen and heard without fully embracing the silent sentries who are the gears in God’s machinery of purpose. Is it possible that we can become such a “respect of persons” culture that we give so little mind or thought that we fail to fully celebrate the very best among us because their God-given role has been to sustain and support what God does?
The danger of this is some very sincere committed people can serve in a role that God has ordained, but because it is not recognized or celebrated as Holy Work, they can be weary, because it is not viewed as “well-doing” in the religious culture? How many people get a license to preach because that is what is “celebrated”? How many people struggle to conform to some pattern of ministry because that is what has been impressed on them as legitimate? How many people flee the role of Sunday School teacher because they see themselves as something “Greater”? They can’t be bothered to do evangelism, take someone to lunch for the purpose of ministry to a specific soul because God has something “Great” for them to do? It is in being faithful to little things, it qualifies us for greater things. Right? David did in fact start out as a forgotten shepherd. Joseph did in fact serve as a prisoner and slave. I propose that the exemplify for us as examples, but they are not singular but represent the spirit of righteousness that could be found beyond them, but it was never God’s purpose to highlight them. There is coming a payday someday where God will celebrate the service and ministry of others. I believe that. We will be known as we are known. Others will see you as God sees you. How many churches have been sustained by the unknown soldiers and faithful saints?
How many pastors, evangelists, missionaries have been fed by unnamed great women of “shunem” I propose to you that for every known and named individual there are hundreds and maybe thousands of unknown never be named but in the only place it matters. In the Lambs book of life. When you hear HIM say, “Well Done though good and faithful servant.”
That will be the greatest accolade and exposure that is ever possible. In the CIA, when someone dies in service, their name is never published for the public to see, but rather a star is put up on the wall. There are more of these secret agents of God, though their name will never be known, their light can be seen for there are many, even as the stars in heaven. To those that feel invisible, uncelebrated, unrecognized, Be not weary in well-doing. You Will Reap. Don’t Give Up!