Harnessing what God has given us.
Each of us has some outstanding qualities. Some of them might not be on their face positive, however in the right context and used properly they can serve us well in our pursuit of living meaningful lives.
For instance, a strong will. You are going to need one a strong will to withstand the pressure you will face in living and standing for righteousness in this current culture that is growing more and more hostile to basic morality that should be abundantly clear for anyone that is a Bible Believer.
However, because of the pressure of our culture and the mentality that is spreading over this culture like a blanket of darkness, you better pray for a strong will to be true to God.
All of us have characteristics others have pointed out our perceived flaws. However, through discipline and prayer, God can help us find a purpose and setting for the underlying impulse for Good.
Like a bull in a china shop. Some things in the wrong setting are destructive. However, that bull out in the pasture harnessed one could plow and bring a harvest.
I have known a few people who God has used to do great things. It is because they allowed God to help them harness their gifting and talents for his purpose.
Reminds me of these words of Jesus,
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:19-20
My prayer is simple,
Lord I pray that you would help me to Harness what you have given me for your purpose and good in my life. To harness my time, to harness my mind, to harness my emotion, to harness my imagination… to bring all these things into submission and praise to you.
To be fully submitted and under His Yoke,
In Him, By Him, Through Him,
Scott A. Phillips