What is an Algorithm?
- Finiteness. An algorithm must always terminate after a finite number of steps.
- Definiteness. Each step of an algorithm must be precisely defined; the actions to be carried out must be rigorously and unambiguously specified for each case.
- Input.
- Output.
- Effectiveness.
Algorithm is a modern word for computers, however, this programming mirrors how we are motivated. We all choose our algorithm.
We all have a choice.
We can Rage or Rejoice.
We Can Complain or Contemplate.
I have felt the darker options pressing on my mind at different seasons in my life. We wake up in a dark room, and we decide if we will spend the rest of our day in the dark. Or we can Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory!
We can turn our day into a sanctuary of praise.
We can transform every room we enter into a place of thanksgiving. That is the kind of miraculous power of our God-given power to choose.
“..choose you this day whom ye will serve; ” Joshua 24:15
The people can follow anything.
If you follow Jesus, you chose to do that. To be a follower of Jesus, you will literally do, think, focus on different things. The followers of Jesus are driven by a different algorithm.
In social media, to follow a page only requires the click of a button. However, we know the algorithms are fine with you being a follower and actually never seeing what you follow.
Sadly many people have allowed the algorithm of religiosity to satiate our conscience by whispering words of comfort to our conscience when the grace of God convicts us to follow him truly.
To be a follower, Jesus said, you must deny yourself, take up the cross and follow Him.
There is a wilful and reasoned option given.
Will you follow every distraction that draws your eyes, hearts, and emotions…. or will you follow Jesus?
Will you take up the burden of serving and sacrifice or will you choose leisure and agendas that serve our desires?
Will you follow Jesus?
The proof in the pudding is not if you click on a button, but will you mechanically, purposefully, turn your “WHEEL” even when it is like turning the steering wheel without power steering fluid.
Here are somethings we will have to consciously choose to do to walk with God on the highway of holiness truly.
We all have a choice.
We Can Complain or Contemplate.
We Can Worry or Worship.
We Can Criticize or enCourage.
In Him, By Him, Through Him,