Be Fearful, of God alone.
Jesus said this,
“And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.
But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” Luke 12:4-5
Sadly, people today are afraid, I mean really afraid, fear and trembling afraid of the wrong things.
Should they be concerned and careful?
Yes, absolutely.
However, what people should really be afraid of, they have no fear at all.
Too many people demonstrate no fear of God. They therefore live, talk, act, and do all manner of things they know are an offense to God. They are not without fear, they are almost in His face.
I say this of too many who claim faith.
They ignorantly fail to realize their unrepentant attitude toward their personal allowances for wickedness defines them as wicked. Much like Celebrities of the past and present singing about Jesus and live lives totally filled with depravity, selfishness, and indifference to those they should have compassion toward.
Our world will do all manner of things to protect their lives, but demonstrate a total ambivalence toward their souls.
Jesus warned us as friends, “Fear God, He has the power to cast you into hell.”
For the small percentage that has read this far, which no doubt is a very small %, let me speak to you as a friend.
On the scale of fear, it’s fine to be cautious and be careful
when you drive
handling firearms
dealing with coronavirus
These can indeed kill the body.
However, for all that is holy, can you show MORE care and concern for your soul?
Show such care for the souls of your children?
Or don’t.
It’s up to you. We choose.
However, in the spirit of Jesus, I pray you would consider what you fear and challenge you to apply a greater level of caution to the eternal plight of souls than to the temporary challenge of the body.
Here is the thing to remember. The peace, joy, and purpose-filled life you can have when you will live a life of awe and wonder toward your Lord and Savior and let his love for you, motivate you to do the things He loves.
There is joy.
There is peace.
Even in a world full of danger and difficulty.
You can worship God in the midst of persecution.
You can honor God in the midst of a pandemic.
You can praise God in the midst of tribulation.
When you fear the right thing, you can have peace with all the other dangers in the world.