The gift to see the sky.
It’s a state of mind.
When you choose to cultivate this in your heart, it will prevent so many things that otherwise would take over.
We did this in the spring. To keep it beat down, and clear, I must spray roundup/brush killer on this stuff monthly, or in just a short season, I will have another impassable thicket.
Disciplining our minds is much like my back property line. We must regularly clear out bad attitudes, bitterness, pessimism, critical minded, doubt, frustration, and all other negative mind viruses.
The Pictures below give a view that we slowly lost over a period of time.
The gift to see the horizon and part of the sky because a slow progression of growth till all you could see over the fence was a thicket. The idea of removing seemed such a radical idea.
The Gift to see the sky is a worthy return on investment.
It’s no wonder that scripture declares,
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.”
When we choose to cultivate the simple discipline of being thankful and giving God praise removes all of the blockages that blind us.