Faith. A gift God has given you.
It’s essential that you pick it up and wear it like a watch or a pen or a hat or a shield.
We have all left our cellphone somewhere and felt disconnected. I suggest leaving your faith is the cause of greater distress, we don’t know it.
That internal desire to look up when the world is falling a part. Faith, searching for the silver lining in the darkest of clouds. Hope that springs forth when it seems all is lost.
The ability to believe in something different than what you see. Further, faith will cause you to make decisions for your life that seem to be in direct contradiction to your circumstances.
Faith will reach up toward heaven when the gravity of this present world seems to become a force that will keep you pressed to the ground.
God in his gracious nature when he imprinted himself in the soul of every child of Adam and Eve. It is found in the folds of the brain or in the beating of the heart; maybe it’s the crimson-red blood flowing from your head to your toes.
I don’t know. I do know this.
Faith lives here.
You should say that aloud so you can hear yourself say it.
Faith lives here.
Amid pain and disappointment.
Faith lives here.
As long as I can breathe in and out.
Faith lives here.
People spend their faith on all sorts of things. Most often, faith is spent on things of no and even negative value. People use faith to gamble, to chase after vanity, to become a success, and even to become famous.
That is faith at work that separates us from the animal kingdom.
The desire to rise.
However, there is an investment that when we catch a vision for it, our faith takes on new meaning and value. Faith reaching out to the father of our faith, wow.
Breath in. Breath out.
Faith lives in me.
However, my prayer is this morning, “I want to put all my faith in God.”
I want to sow my faith into the plans and hands of God.
Where will God lead me?
What would God have me to do?
Who could God use me to encourage today?
Today could be when faith begins to mean more to you than ever before.
Faith is like a seed. God has given everyone the seed of faith.
However, when you sow that seed into good, godly, kind, loving, honest, and worthy things, that faith brings a harvest, and the result is that you have more faith.
Faith grows in quantity, quality, clarity, and weight.
There is a point where faith transitions from a hopeful feeling into an absolute knowing confidence that is unshakeable.
That does not happen overnight, but it does happen. Sometimes in the times where some would wonder how you have any faith at all.
I believe in Jesus for today!
What are your challenges, questions, pains, burdens, hurts, confusions, addictions, and sins?
Jesus is going to help me today.
To put aside what is harming me.
To pick up what God can use to help me.
Faith lives in me.
And my faith is,
In Him, By Him, Through Him,
Scott A. Phillips