From an elder pastor, this wisdom is GOLD.

Having received the Holy Ghost baptism at 11 and now 67 some 56 years in the church. I have been through deep trials and yes feeling hopeless at times. Discouraged wondering if I was going to survive. However, backsliding has not never been part of my vocabulary. When I was discouraged I went to church. When I was hurt I went to church. When I was sick I went to church. When I felt hopeless I went to church. When I was lied upon I went to church. When I was rejected I went to church.
So my answer to those who want to survive go to church!
Your mind can really get messed up staying out of the church.
The church is where my priorities get refocused, where my mind gets renewed, my joy gets restored, and hopelessness gets hope.
Heard a country preacher say years ago “cars start missing before they quit.”
I need the church. In church I hear about eternity. I am reminded death is certain. Hell is a real place. It is my responsibility to save myself no one can do it for me. In church I hear about salvation and the Savior. I hear about His return.
In church I count my blessings, restore my soul, hear about the Blood, grace, redemption, mercy, truth.
I heard a late Elder teach “my soul is bound to the destiny of the church.”

Elder Steve Epley